
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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Abstract:This design is about food enterprises Invoicing management to analyze and design business, according to the business situation of enterprises, using the software development method of structured system investigation, system analysis, system design and system. The system is based on the purchase management, the enterprise returns management, sales management, and inventory management as the core. In the process of analysis and design of the whole system, we use the structured method. The method requires the development of this system has been in accordance with the provisions of procedure, with a certain graph tool, in a structured and modular basis. In the process of design, the system analysis and overall design stage, using the "top-down" approach, and for the detailed design stage of information systems is the "bottom-up" approach. Basically can satisfy the system requirements for the design, has a certain practicality.

   It is adapted to the digital trend, a system for Invoicing management of the enterprise, the purpose is to improve the efficiency of enterprises, and better meet the social development, save human resources and simplified the work process. After analysis, we use ASP.NET as the development platform of the system, using the C# syntax development, use the various object-oriented development tools, first established in a short time system application prototype, then, for the initial prototype system needs iteration, and constantly revised and improved, until forms the user satisfied feasible system, all the basic functions the marketing and product management.

   This paper introduces the system development process. According to the software engineering design ideas, using of the whole life cycle of method development, including system analysis, system design, system testing and so on. 

Key words  management system; software engineering; invoicing; module

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本次毕业设计的题目是食品行业进销存管理系统的设计与开发,所使用的开发平台是ASP.NET及Sql Server 2005数据库。该系统主要用的是模块化设计,主要包含进货管理、退货管理、销售管理......
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