
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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Abstract:With the rapid economic growth, the rapid development of the Internet industry, in recent years, online shopping mall emerges in an endless stream. People through online shopping, and make ourselves more comfortable and convenient life. In many development technology, the combination of ASP and Access is simple, easy to use, therefore also received a lot of junior developers. This paper will detail how to create a more complete flower ordering website, the website using ASP and Access technology, will realize the user browsing the flowers of goods and order through the Internet, as well as the member login, order processing and customer message, electronic commerce.

   In this paper, the development of research and market surveys background, the flower consumption demand high but less leisure time customers, summed up the requirement analysis and system feasibility study, based on the design and implementation of customer satisfaction basic consumption needs of the flower ordering site. This design uses Access as the background database, using ASP language and Dreamweaver software tools code, interface is concise, complete functions, convenient use and other characteristics, mainly realizes the flowers commodity display, browse, buy, member registration, login, order generation, management, the administrator login, add or remove flowers product, category the news bulletin.

Keywords: flower ordering; ASP; Access; website

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:鲜花订购网站将实体模式的花店经营管理模式与基于Web服务器的综合营销业务模式结合起来,将人、机、物的需求、活动和运作进行系统分析、逻辑设计并进行管理,以实现现代高效、......
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