
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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   本文在分析文献和实际调研的基础上,根据当前政府公众满意度测评的特点和评价指标体系构建的方法和原则,结合国内外政府满意度测评系统的现状,对测评指标、分值进行了设置,同时介绍了ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2000开发工具,随后对政府测评系统进行系统分析和数据库设计,随后对系统的模块进行设计与实现,使得政府能够充分运用信息技术手段,合理分配测评指标权值,科学规范地设计公众满意度测评问卷,客观深入地采集测评数据信息,公平公正地处理和分析测评结果。因此,通过该系统政府可以方便及时地了解公众对政府工作的满意度,为今后服务型社会建设提供参考依据。 

关键词: 政府满意度;测评;服务型社会


Abstract:Along with the high-speed development of computer network technology, the government is towards information, scientific, intelligent direction. The awareness of Public participation has enhanced and the investigation information quantity also has multiplied. The public satisfaction assessment becomes a systematic and complicated project. 

   According to the characteristics of the current government public satisfaction evaluation and evaluation index system of construction methods and principles, this paper combined the current situation of the construction of a service-oriented government. Meanwhile this paper illustrated the evaluation factors and score on the basis of the analysis of the literature and actual investigation and study. Also, the paper introduced ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2000 development tools. Later in the paper, the government evaluation system has carried on the demand analysis and design of database system. Finally, according to the system module design and implementation, the government can fully use of information technology. The government can allocate weights of evaluation indicators. The government can scientifically and standardized design of the public satisfaction assessment questionnaire. At the same time, the government can objectively collect evaluation data in depth and process the test results fairly and equitably. Through this system, the government can facilitate understanding of the public in time for the government job satisfaction. The system provides a reference basis for the build service oriented society in the future. 

Keywords: the government satisfaction; evaluation; service-oriented society 

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:公众满意度测评系统的构建用以公众评估政府的工作,可以大大减轻劳动强度,提高政府工作效率,加强测评工作的科学性和有效性。同时,政府可以方便客观地了解自己的工作现状,......
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