
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-15
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   本系统开发采用Java和SQL Server 2005 作为开发工具,并对系统中的员工信息管理模块、部门管理模块、员工调动模块、员工薪资管理模块以及员工考勤管理模块等进行管理。其中,管理员可以对员工的基本档案信息进行增加、修改等操作,可以添加部门和岗位信息,并能调动员工的岗位或部门,还可以对员工的考勤信息和薪资信息进行管理。


关键词 人事管理系统;Java;SQL Server 2005


Abstract:In the wave of Informatization management, the increasing number of employees, the more refinement of distribution of work and the closer relationship in all industries have lead to a higher quality in personal management. Furthermore, only with automatic personal management can achieve an efficiency enterprise management. Therefore, the development of this system is imperative.

   Chosing Java and SQL Server 2005 as the develompent tools, the system can manage a number of modulars like employee info management modular, department management modular, employee redepolyment modular, employee sarary management modular and employee attendance modular, with which the administrator can add and modify employee’s elementary file and department and position information, manage the attendance and salary information.

   The system basically meets modern enterprise needs of personnel management. Using forms to preserve information of employees makes it easy to browse, inquire and revise. As computer taken over the mass manual work, managers can do it speedy and with high precision, keeping a longer-term record as well.

Keywords  Personnel management system  Java  SQL Server 2005

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:企业人事管理系统是当前一个很热门且实用性很强的系统,本系统实现的是员工档案管理、部门及岗位信息管理、人员调动管理、工资管理和考勤管理等模块。本次毕业设计,既可以把......
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