
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-15
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关键词 在线考试;J2EE;Struts;MySQL


Abstract:Along with The footsteps of time to move forward and the information technology developments by leaps and bounds, information age has arrived. Computer technology and network technology is the information carrier of the information age, they will take the place of the traditional information carrier is more used in all walks of life. Career education is also in constant development , in the face of the people's growing demand for education, traditional education and examination mode is bound to face change. Online exam is test the main direction of change in recent years, universities gradually application instead of traditional test.

   Online examination system aims to achieve paperless management. It uses wide coverage of network platform to realize the online exam, don't need to unified exam, the examinee wherever have network test can be carried out on. This exam platform relative to the traditional large venue more easy to implement and more flexible. Computer grade examination papers in decreasing the consumption of manpower, and avoid the human error in manual marking, improve the quality of the exam. All of these to make the examination more tend to be fair, fair and objective, thus improving the students' interest in learning.

   This paper introduces a j2ee-based online examination system of modern Chinese history system structure and specific function code implementation. This system main body framework USES the Struts MVC three layer architecture model for design of concrete using JSP + JavaBean + MySQL technology implementation. System front-end view layer by JSP pages, model for the system in all kinds of javabeans, and Struts the ActionServlet in the role as controller. The back-end using MySQL database for data logic, contact the front through JDBC. 

Keywords  on-line examination  J2EE  Struts  MySQL

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:本项目是针对中国近代史这一科目设计的简单的在线考试系统。拥有三种用户考生、管理员、教师。以用户权限大致分为客户即考生登录系统和管理员管理系统、教师管理系统。登录模......
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