
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-19
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关键词: 无线局域网WLAN;扩展频谱技术;认证加密;无线局域网组建


Abstract:In the 21st century, we are living in scientific information communication technology development rush age, and in order to let people achieve a more flexible, convenient, high-speed Internet use purpose, the wireless local area network was born, and gradually into all aspects of people's lives. Mobile phone, PAD, laptop and even desktop computer had been installed the electronic module of wireless local area communication. There is the wireless local area network stations signal coverage of place, we can connect to Internet surfing the Internet at will. Nowadays, the wireless local area network technology is a development peak, but still there are many safety and technical flaws, makes the Internet speed and encryption received a certain amount limitation, signal coverage to ascend.

   In this paper, the wireless local area network which is the development of new industries, we will begin with the development history to the surface to the in-depth technical analysis, and then to the reality of a practical as far as possible the detailed instructions. Let the reader can have a comprehensive understanding of the deep and understanding on the wireless local area network and try to set up one for SCNUZC. 

Key words: Wireless Local Area Network; Spread Spectrum Modulation Technique; Authentication Encryption; Set Up




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:本文对无线局域网络这一近年来迅猛发展的新生产业进行从表面的发展历史到深入的技术解析,再到现实中的组建实用进行了尽可能详细的说明。让读者能对无线局域网络有全面深层的......
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