
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-06
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Abstract:Recent years, there has been a big gap between the growth of processor and memory runs access speed, which makes the speed difference between them is more and more big . In modern computer system structure, Cache is widely used to alleviate the speed gap.

  Based on the six different program code of matrix multiplication, constructs the matrix multiplication time test procedures, obtaining the running time of matrix multiplication six different versions; And through the analysis of space localized and time localized in six different program code of matrix multiplication, it is concluded that due to the cache memory and the local differences of programs access, there is a huge difference in the running time of the same algorithm of different program code. In order to make full use of cache memory and improve program efficiency, it is needed to consider the space and time localized when programming.

  In order to make full use of cache memory, paper gives the program of partitioned matrix multiplication, which could further improve the matrix multiplication efficiency.

Key words: Cache; matrix multiplication; block matrix; principle of locality; temporal locality; spatial locality




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文根据矩阵乘法运算的六种不同程序代码,构建了矩阵乘法运算时间的测试程序,得到矩阵乘法运算六种不同版本的运行时间;并通过分析六种不同矩阵乘法运算程序代码中的空间局......
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