
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-06
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  有效的物体识别是基于计算机处理能力的基础上,对获取到的图像进行分析处理,进行包括图象灰度化和滤波处理等技术操作,将提取到的障碍物体的特征进行分割处理和细化处理,这样就可以进行物体识别,构建出环境地图而达到识别障碍物体的效果。在本论文中,详细介绍了物体识别所需要的众多技术和算法。在Windows平台上,运用Visual Studio 2010进行操作,并实现了对物体进行识别的几个模块的功能,具有一定的代表性。 




Abstract:Machine vision is studying how to make computer generated image data intelligent perception of a science. Machine vision to the important core is the object identification.Object recognition is a basis research in the field of machine vision. Object recognition technology push industry, medicine, transportation, national defense neighborhood toward automation, intelligent direction fast forward, and is likely to fundamentally change their model of development.

  Effective object recognition is based on the basis of computer processing ability to get to the image analysis processing, include the image intensity of operations and filtering techniques,  obstacles to extract the characteristics of the object segmentation and thinning, this allows for object recognition, construct environment map and achieve the effect of identifying obstacles. In this thesis, introduces in detail the object recognition need many techniques and algorithms. In Windows platforms, using Visual Studio 2010 operation, and realize the object identification of some modules in the functions, has certain representativeness.

  This topic is the study of the machine vision object recognition technology, establish the environment model robot operating venue for its autonomous navigation, provide technical preparation based on this.

Key words: machine vision, object recognition, image processing


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:在本论文中,详细介绍了物体识别所需要的众多技术和算法。在Windows平台上,运用Visual Studio 2010进行操作,并实现了对物体进行识别的几个模块的功能,具有一定的代表性。 ......
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