
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-06
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Abstract:With Internet becoming indispensable in daily life as a medium of information dissemination, people have completely changed the passive model of receiving information. However, faced with massive information from Internet, it’s extremely important to find out how to search information people concerned or valuable.

  At present, the keywords index on the information content is one of effective ways to retrieve information, and this technology also has been widely used in search engine and other Internet applications. Compared with the previous way using full-text search to retrieve information, searching keywords only can raise the speed rapidly and reduce the system performance requirements. So using keywords search is a way of lower cost but higher benefit. However, the information itself does not identify significant words, and the cost of manual keywords indexing for information is very high. Therefore, in order to improve the speed and quality of keywords indexing, knowing how to use machines to realize the keywords index of information automatically has become a very significant issue, while automated keywords indexing is the research direction of information processing by Internet in the future.

  This paper introduces the research background of the keywords indexing and current situation at home and abroad, as well as Chinese words segmentation and further picking up features of Chinese words according to the differences between Chinese and English words. In this paper, a keywords indexing algorithm, combined with information statistics, semantic analysis and machine learning methods, is designed and achieved desired results in the experiments. 

Keywords:Keyword, Index, Extraction, Keyword Indexing, Information Retrieva




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文主要介绍了关键词索引的研究背景和国内外的研究现状,以及针对中英文单词之间的差异,对中文进行分词,提取中文关键词的特征。文中设计出一种将统计信息、语义分析和机器......
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