
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-06
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Abstract:With the continuous development the popularity of computer networks, mobile storage device have been widely used.It brings a lot of convenience for the people. But at the same time, the security issues in using mobile storage device are becoming increasingly conspicuous.

Aiming at the problem,this paper introduces the research meaning, the recent development, the status and function of mobile storage device,describes the basics of mobile storage devices, analyzes the security requirements of mobile storage devices and carries on detailed analysis on focal points such as the driver of mobile storage device, read-write of the disk sector, the mechanism of data encrypted storage and the strategy setting of virus protection. In addition, this paper designs the software to the mobile storage device. The software focuses on protection of storage devices, implements to monitor and audit the data stored in the mobile storage device. I hope that this software can provide some help to manage the mobile storage device.

Key words:mobile storage device;security management;data encryption;monitoring



为了保证数据的安全,在一些对数据保密性要求高的企业机构中甚至不允许使用U 盘等移动存储设备。虽然有的企业制定各种保密的制度并且采取一定的措施例如建立企业防火墙、入侵检测等技术,但这些只能防范企业外网的攻击,而对于企业内网利用移动存储设备泄密起不到任何的防范作用。本课题意在简单模拟提出一种移动存储设备安全管理(主要进行痕迹管理)的方案,被加以实现。


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文介绍了移动存储设备安全的研究意义和发展现状,阐述了移动存储设备的基础知识,分析了移动存储设备的安全需求,并对目前的一些技术重点,如移动存储设备驱动、磁盘扇区读......
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