
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-06
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Abstract:With the development of information technology, software products are applied to various fields.Naturally, the quality of products are focused by people.Software testing is involved all important stage in the process of software development.And it is also an important means of quality assurance.So software enterprises pay more and more attention to software testing.

   On the basis of a large number of literature and materials about software testing, this paper explores the theory and practice of software testing all-sided combining with the software testing practice in the GDES system.And useing certain test means, certain on overall and systematic test to GDES system direct against the hugeness and complexity of the system.

   At first, this paper introduces the concept and developing status of software testing, including the concept of software testing, the importance of test, and developing status of testing industry.And then, describes related theories and methods, including the principle and objective of software testing, the content of system testing, It also introduce the software testing methods, such as static testing, dynamic testing, black-box testing, white-box testing and so on. It describes the process of testing the GDES system in detail.Expounds the application of testing theories in the GDES system testing practice.For the testing process of GDES system, a set of feasible test strategies and schemes are proposed, including requirements and design analysis, the creation of test plans, the design of test cases, the specific implementation of testing, analysis of test results and it’s summarize.

   In this paper, testing methods,standards and norms,test management, test tools, technologies and means suitable for GDES system are mentioned from the perspective of combining the theory and practice,and they have got good application in practical work.

KEYWORDS:software testing;system testing;test case


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文从理论和实践相结合的角度,给出了适合于GDES系统的软件测试的方法、测试的标准和规范、测试的管理、测试的工具、测试的技术和手段等问题。在实际工作中得到了较好的应用。......
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