
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-06
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关键字:网上交易系统 动态网站 JSP MYSQL数据库


Abstract:With the vigorous development of Internet and Internet shopping mall as a form of e-commerce is in its highly efficient, low-cost advantages, gradually become the new business model and philosophy, people no longer meet the use and dissemination of information here, but eager To the full enjoyment of the network brought about by more and more convenience. Internet shopping is adapted to the fast-paced society today live in homes so that customers can easily convenient to buy their favorite products. Internet shopping system for its security, ease of use, flexibility and other characteristics of the growing number of consumers to accept. In this paper, the association rules based on data acquisition technology users personalized pages dynamically generated programmes, this programme and now the Internet has been used in a number of programmes compared with users more simple, more clearly reflect the users and meticulous advantages. In this paper, the work can be summarized as follows: (1), introduced a personalized pages of background and Tomcat+Jsp system of general principles, (2) connected on database development, storage, display, query, and other functions, (3) Design and Implementation of the user registration / login, for the purchase of ; Administrator of the site's management system, (4) establish a complete test site, testing and analysis. The full text is divided into five parts, the first part of the system outlined that the development of online shopping, the status quo and build the second part on the development of system-related technologies, including HTML, JSP, JAVASCTIPT, databases, build elaborate structures; Part III Main features of the system and structure of systems analysis, including system requirements and module design; fourth into the database development, including database needs analysis and structural design of both logic; Part V is the main interface design and systems.

Keyword:On-line shopping system  dynamic state website  Jsp  MYSQL database.


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:文中给出了一种基于数据关联规则采集技术的用户个性化页面动态生成方案,此方案与现今网上已采用的一些方案相比,具有用户使用更简单、反映用户更明显细致等优点。......
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