基于Rijndael S-盒的密钥流生成器的设计.rar

资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-07
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   本文介绍了高级加密标准AES的发展、Rijndael算法的研究现状、流密码的一些基本知识以及线性反馈移位寄存器的相关知识。在了解了这些知识的基础上,将Rijndael S-盒的优良性质应用到流密码中,设计出一个能产生随机性好,周期大的密钥流生成器。

关键词:Rijndael S-盒;线性反馈移位寄存器;密钥流


Abstract:With the computer technology and the rapid development of network technology modern society has a high degree of information. In daily life, the use of electronic devices store the growing popularity of the way important information. Followed is that information security has been a great concern of people, people usually use passwords to protect information security. Which makes cryptography theory and techniques in information science and technology as an important area of research.

   October 2000,the National Bureau of Standards and Technology (NIST) selected Rijndael algorithm as the new Advanced Encryption Standard, and access to a wide range of applications. Algorithm Rijndael S box is the only non-linear components, directly affecting their security. 

   This article describes the Advanced Encryption Standard AES development, Rijndael algorithm status, stream ciphers some basic knowledge, and linear feedback shift register of the relevant knowledge. In understanding the basic of this knowledge, the Rijndael S-box nature of the fine applied to stream ciphers, the design can produce a good random, periodic large key stream generator.

Key words: Rijndael S-box;  LFSR;  key stream.


随着基于Internet的各种应用日新月异,日益增长,密码技术成为人们研究的大热点。从DES(密钥的有效位数为56位,加上校验位为64位)到AES(密钥长度的最少支持128,192,256,分组长度为128),密钥的复杂度和安全性得到了很大的提升。而S盒的作用是混淆(Confusion),主要增加明文和密文之间的复杂度(包括非线性度等),从而增加密钥的复杂度。借助于Rijndael的S-盒以及线性反馈移位寄存器等基本工具设计出能产生随机性好,周期大的密钥流生成器。产生出复杂度高,安全性好的密钥,具有很重要的理论和实践意义。让AES的研究更加深入到信息安全技术的各个领域,也可以与非信息安全领域的相关技术与应用相结合,从而得到新的应用。总而言之,借助Rijndael S盒可以让密钥得到更好的保护,实实在在的为用户提高信息安全上的保障,使用户减少损失。


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文介绍了高级加密标准AES的发展、Rijndael算法的研究现状、流密码的一些基本知识以及线性反馈移位寄存器的相关知识。在了解了这些知识的基础上,将Rijndael S-盒的优良性质应用到流......
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