
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-07
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Abstract:Recent years, With the rapid development of China's telecommunications industry, business volume has achieved rapid growth , new types of business and new service forms have come into born, while the old telecommunications billing processing from the system to the technology are less able to adapt to situation needs, even to some extent it has limited and hampered business development. So some real-time telecommunications billing systems have come into being. 

   The simulation software on real-time billing system for telecommunications pre-processing module to be studied of this subject is a telecommunications-based simulation of real-time billing system software. The fundamental principles and realization processes of the pretreatment of telecommunications billing system can be shown through the simulation; in addtion, it can be regarded as a exploration to new comprehensive real-time telecommunications billing systems; what’s more, we can understand the working process of all real-time telecommunications billing, which has certain practical sense.

 The contents of this research project consist of the following components: 

 (1)The system downloads new zhongxin original phone bill from the switchboard at regular time and put it into corresponding directory.

 (2) Do grundkenntnisse uber conversion for the original phone bill.

 (3) Do standard format for the phone bill which has been switched the code system.

 (4) Regular the number of phone bill which has been standardized.

 (5) check out the phone bill which has been number regulared . 

 (6) Put the correct phone bill into a correct phone bill document, the default phone bill into a default phone bill document, and generate log files.

Keywords: grundkenntnisse uber conversion, format conversion ,number regular Number neat, dialog school inspection,real-time billing system for telecommunications


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本课题所要研究的模拟软件电信实时计费系统之预处理模块,就是一个基于电信实时计费系统的模拟软件。通过对这一课题的学习和研究,可以将电信计费系统预处理的基本原理、实现......
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