
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-08
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关键词:电子商务 C2C 信用评价 层次分析法


Abstract:With the Internet widespread and quickly developing of E-commerce in China, more and more people start to go shopping on the Internet, especially through the C2C trade. The credit problem is becoming one of problems of obstructing the development of C2C E-commerce. The existing credit evaluation system insures the net trading safety to a certain extent and promotes the willing of shopping online. But there still exists some obvious deficiencies.

  Based on some related theories of E-commerce, taking Taobao net as an example, this paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the existing personal credit evaluation model for C2C E-commerce. Aimed at the deficiency of the C2C E-commerce credit evaluation system, this paper takes the users’ characteristics into account so as to reach the corresponding evaluation indicator. The new C2C credit evaluation system is based on the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). And also a new credit updating algorithm is described, which takes history credit-weight values of the evaluated users and the transaction amount into account.

Key words: E-commerce, C2C, Credit Evaluation, AHP




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文以相关的理论为基础,以淘宝网为例,分析现有C2C信用评价模型的优缺点,针对电子商务的C2C交易信用评价模型的不足之处,考虑用户特征,给出相应的评价指标,采用AHP层次分析......
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