
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-16
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   本网站的目的是建立一个高效的应用于xx学院的在线订餐平台,且采用简洁高效的ASP.NET技术与SQL server 2005数据库等技术,设计和开发了这一外卖管理网站。



关键词:订单管理; ASP.NET ;外卖管理


Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet information for people, and provide more and better service, more perfect system constructed to satisfy the more and more users of spirit and material requirements. With Internet technology matures, various network service innovation, based on Internet e-commerce activities form, this is known today as the electronic commerce.

   This site is intended to build an efficient applied to the honghe university online roscoe adopted, and concise efficient platform of asp.net technology and SQL server 2005 database techniques, design and development the take-away management website.

   This website mainly realizes the food management, management category, order management, information management and comprehensive management information and network, improve the management efficiency. Meanwhile will user reviews, online purchase etc receptionist module and the take-away management and information management, order management etc organic combine back-office module. Free registration without users buy business also provides a more convenient and quick meal service.

   This web site may according to the practical application of concrete circumstance appropriate modification, in order to better application. This website simple operation, high flexibility, system security and stable performance.

Key words: Order management; Asp.net ;Takeout management





上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本网站主要实现了外卖管理与传统在线购物的完美结合。一方面用户可以使用该网站对外卖食品进行价格属性的搜索,对不同种类和不同的品牌进行简单的比较,选购后提交订单并完成......
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