
资料分类:机械工程 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-26
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关键词:品质 质量管理 PCDA循环 服务质量 质量经济


ABSTRACT:With the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, science and technology make a spurt of progress, promotes the progress of human civilization constantly, and international competition increasingly fierce. Especially with the development of economic globalization and China's accession to WTO, the world's manufacturing center and gradually transfer to China. Why foreign products stand in the world of the forest, continue to impact the development of local enterprises, the reason is tantamount to its excellent quality and excellent post-sales service., we need to improve their product quality, provide quality service, and a loop recycling system to succeed in manufacturing and have the ability to compete with the well-known company in other country.

Our country has toke an extensive quality management model for a long time, with the development of enterprises, the traditional quality management methods can`t meet the current market demands. Who don`t has a good quality management system naturally can`t produce high-quality products, which can`t dominate the market. In Ca Fu Auto Parts Factory, for example, through this research projects, to built a perfect system in product quality assurance system on the line perfect system, to improve product quality, and ultimately establish a quality brand, and be able to achieve world-class auto parts supplier.




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:长期以来我国的质量管理都是采取粗放型的模式,而随着企业的发展,传统的质量管理方法已经不能适应现在的市场需求,没有好的质量管理体系,自然不能生产出优质的产品,从而无......
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