
资料分类:机械工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-26
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摘 要:本文详细描述轧钢设备中的压下机构设计,其动力系统为液压系统。首先分析液压压下机构的工作原理及其工作情况。然后设计液压系统、选择原件、系统验算和校核,最后绘制液压系统图及压下机构装配图。做到设计合理、满足工艺要求、降低成本的要求。


关键词:连轧  带钢轧机  压下机构  液压系统 设备维护


ABSTRACT:This paper describes in detail the design of rolling equipment of pressing mechanism, the dynamic system for the hydraulic system. The first analysis of the hydraulic pressure working principle and working mechanism of. Then the design of hydraulic system, the original system selection, checking and verification, finally drawing the hydraulic system diagram and pressing mechanism assembly drawing. Do the design is reasonable, to meet the process requirements, cost requirements.

   This design aimed at hot strip thickness accuracy control and roll thickness position deviation of design and diagnosis. Mainly through the design of hydraulic system and calculation of the hydraulic cylinder size, a reasonable choice of hydraulic components to achieve the accuracy of thickness precision control. The design will be described in detail the design and calculation process of hydraulic pressure mechanism, to show the application of the hydraulic servo system in rolling equipment, as well as the advantages of hydraulic servo system. At the same time also reflects the modern hydraulic AGC in iron and steel industry, especially steel part of the indispensable thickness precision control.

Keywords: rolling; strip mill; hydraulic system ;mechanism;plant maintenanc

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:传统的电动压下机构已不能满足现代轧制工艺要求。与电动压下机构相比,液压压下机构:快速响应性好,调整精度高;过载保护简单可靠;较机械传动效率高;便于快速换辊,提高轧......
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