
资料分类:机械工程 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-30
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Abstract:Molds to form a mass production of industrial production facilities, is the main techniques and equipment.Mold industry is the foundation of the national economy industry.

   Tool to ensure accuracy of the ram of the product sizes, and make products quality.And the process of the surface of the product.Die in the production of parts of the metallurgical factory of rolled steel plates or with a material,And in production don't need, with high efficiency, quality, light weight and low cost to save energy and raw materials for a range of advantages,is other process could compare with.Use of molds has become an important means of industry and technology development. Modern industrial development and technical level, much depends on industrial development of the mold.

   This design has been blanking, punching, progressive die design. This paper briefly outlines the current development of stamping die situation and trends. Carried out a detailed process of product analysis and identification technology program. Stamping die design in accordance with the general steps to calculate and design the mold of this set of key components, such as: punch, die, punch retainers, plate, fixed die plate, stripper plate, guide plate, block material or marketing. Mold using standard mold, use a suitable stamping device. Design specifications of the working parts and the press were carried out the necessary checking calculation. In addition, the mold used beginning with the gauge pin gauge. Die punching and blanking punch were fixed with different fixation plate, easy to adjust the gap; punching die is fixed by the overall fixed plate. 

Key words: Gang dies; punch; die; Blanking


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:进行了冲孔、落料复合模的设计。文中简要概述了冲压模具目前的发展状况和趋势。对产品进行了详细工艺分析和工艺方案的确定。进行了凹、凸模的闭合高度的计算并确定了模具的结......
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