
资料分类:机械工程 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:With the continuous progress of human society, productivity and the improvement of people's living standard, the modern family is also accelerating the pace of life.Traditional kitchen appliances already cannot satisfy the requirement of people, kitchen appliances, automation, multi-functional is represent the general trend.Slicing machine available, to people's production and life, has brought great convenience, it not only improves the quality of life of people, but also greatly improves the production efficiency.The potato is required for the body a food, and food variety.So to put the potatoes processed into various shapes (such as: strip, sheet, and so on) alone to complete the manual time-consuming, laborious and not a good processing

   The design of the slicing machine mainly targeted at the small occasions, such as workshops, dining room, family etc..This paper on the belt, shaft, blades, blade plate are designed and calculated, the bearings, keys and other elements were selected.The design of the cutting machine has high efficiency, can be respectively on potato, sweet potato, onion and other work.

Keyword: Potato; slicing machine; cutter blade


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本设计的切片机主要针对中小型场合,例如加工作坊、食堂、家庭等。本文分别对带、轴、刀片、刀盘等进行设计计算,对轴承、键等元件进行了选择。本设计的切片机有较高的效率,......
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