
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-21
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关键词: 工作分析  溢出效应  人力资源管理 


Abstract:Job analysis is the basic work of human resources management, it not only provides the basis for human resource management, but also to the enterprise management has a set of spillover effect. Job analysis is the enterprise strategy, organizational strategy to the human resources management system, an intermediate link, is the basis of management personnel are needed for the relevant personnel and work status details, studies how work is completed, how to do. With the environment changing, the traditional job analysis has been questioned. In order to improve the adaptability of job analysis, needs to have the new job analysis to traditional job analysis to make the revision and the consummation. " Job analysis" is one of the main methods of human resource management, is to improve the level of human resources management, effective tool. Many enterprises in our country have no work analysis or job analysis of effect is not ideal. This paper introduces the enterprise application of task analysis existing common shortcomings, from the principle proceed with, for a variety of job analysis methods are compared, finally proposed the enterprise existing in the actual application of job analysis. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems in enterprise job analysis, finds out the countermeasure, and to summarize the research, so as to solve the problem.

Keywords: Job analysis ;Spillover effects ;Human Resource Management ;Work analysis of the results of the use of 





上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:针对实施工作分析的难点,从整体规划、沟通体系、资源、专业能力、分析方法、分析项目六个方面对雪梅公司进行工作分析的起因和过程作了分析,提出工作分析成功的关键事项。......
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