
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-11
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Abstract: Product brand is the relative products, which has two meanings: one refers to the product name, terminology, the markers, and other aspects of the combination body. The other represents a series of related products added value. Company brand refers to the ownership of the symbol, image, and the core value of related characteristics, identification and pleasure of purchase .It is the resource of the enterprises, which is dedicated to gaining long-term profit. It is scarcity and persistence and is not aggressive and hard to copy. Bad influence is difficult to give impact on it .Through the understanding of the concept of corporate and product brands and the comparison between them and in view of the problems of China's enterprises in the implementation of brand strategy, this article will give some related suggestions.

Key words: brand, company brand, product brand




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:产品品牌是企业中一种以长期获利为目的的具有稀缺性、持续性、不可侵占性、难以模仿性和难以冲击性的资源。本文通过对品牌相关概念的理解,对公司品牌与产品品牌进行对比分析......
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