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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-11
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关键词: 激励  激励机制  高校学生管理  研究


Abstract:The college student management is not just a science, but also an art, how to correctly guide students in the college management work become a more important problem, so nowadays the incentive mechanism research become an integral part of management work. This article discusses about how to incentive of the college student management, mainly based on literature method and summarization. The article starts from the background of subject research, firstly it expatiates the meaning and function of incentive mechanism, and analyzed the main problems and reasons of incentive mechanism, then probes into the incentive construction and implementation countermeasures of the college student management, finally the article research into the application of incentive theory that should pay attention to several problems.

Keywords:Incentives; Incentive mechanism; The college student management; Research




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:分析了激励机制存在的主要问题与原因,接着探讨了高校学生管理中激励机制的构建与高校学生管理激励机制的实施与对策,最后研究了激励理论在应用中应注意的几个问题。......
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