
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-27
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Abstract:This paper studies restructuring of textile industry of southern Jiangsu province. We describe the situation of textile industry in four ways, which are industry agglomeration, industrial layout, product structure and internal structure of enterprise. Depending on current situation, I found that the degree of aggregation of textile industry in southern Jiangsu is high, and industrial layout still has more room for promotion. Most factories produce low and medium-grade goods, less high-end products. And corporate structure is not standardized. Then I put forward countermeasures, that attention from the business perspective to the internal operation of the adjustment of enterprises, strengthen research and development, external to actively expand the sales network; from the industry perspective, is full play the role of the existing industry associations, in the same industry create a good environment for competition between the concentrate power within the industry to deal with complex external environment; from the government side, that the Government should do to guide the healthy development of services for the textile industry, and regulate the industry sustainable development work. 

Keywords:textile industry in southern Jiangsu,industrial restructuring,measures


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本文分别从三个企业、行业、政府部门三个角度提出相应的对策,其中行业协会对企业、政府的辅助和支撑是其中重点。从温州打火机行业应对国际贸易技术壁垒等一系列国际贸易纠纷......
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