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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词  货币政策框架 通货膨胀目标制 


Abstract: Since the early 1990s, when New Zealand, Canada and Chile first adopted inflation targeting (IT) regime as their monetary policy framework, IT has become an overwhelming trend across all continents and some 20 economies. So far, international practice has proved that this regime functioned pretty well against inflation. Meanwhile, with the implement of reform and opening up policy, China’s economy has gone through great changes and so has China's monetary policy framework. After several turning points of restructuring and reform, China has now formed an effective Monetary Policy Framework with money supply its intermediate target, price and currency stability its ultimate goal. In recent years, with China's rapid economic development, the influence exerted by U.S. financial crisis, as well as the profound changes in financial markets, inflation has surged as an obvious problem of China’s economy. Furthermore, under new circumstances, M2 can no longer function properly as the intermediate target. 

  This paper gives a brief summary of the previous changes in China’s Monetary Policy Framewok, discusses the merits of IT, and mainly focuses on the possibilities of adopting IT as China’s new Monetary Policy Framework.

Key words:Monetary Policy Framework; Inflation Targeting Regime

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:目前我国的货币政策框架的主要内容是:以货币供应量M2为中介目标,以公开市场操作、法定准备金、再贴现率辅以利率政策为主要政策工具,实现物价稳定的最终目标。在发挥积极作用......
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