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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:货币政策  区域金融差异  非对称效应  VAR模型  脉冲响应函数   


Abstract:Imbalanced development of regional economy is the problem that our country’s uniform monetary policy must face. Asymmetrical effects of monetary policy will affect the overall effect of monetary policy. This paper use VAR model and impulse response function to analyze the effect of uniform monetary policy in different regions and prove the existence of the regional effects of monetary policy. In term of the development of the regional finance ,the paper analyzed the causes of asymmetric effects of monetary policy and suggest establishing regional financial system according to different development level of different regions.this measure will narrow the regional disparities of economy and finance. In order to improve the effectiveness of monetary policy, we should formulate appropriate regional monetary policy.

Key words: monetary policy, regional financial disparity, vector auto-regressionmodel, asymmetrical effect,impulse response function

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:我国的货币政策是根据经济较发达地区的经济状况来制定的,因而比较适合于控制发达地区的经济波动,对欠发达地区而言,由于经济和金融的相对落后,这种统一的货币政策往往不符......
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