
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-13
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关键词:可持续消费  消费理念  消费环境


Abstract: The style and preference of the consumption of rural residents have very important influence on the economic development of our country. The research of our country rural residents of sustainable consumption, which is for the better development of rural economy and new countryside construction, has very important significance .This paper is from the definition of sustainable consumption and sustainable development of rural residents consumption and around the factors of restraining in the development of sustainable consumption of rural residents .About these factors, it puts forward recommendations .Based on four limiting factors including the mode of  the rural residents' consumption, the rural residents' consumption concept, the style and level of rural production, the consumption level of rural residents , the rural residents consumption environment .This paper will analyze sustainable consumption of rural residents and give some suggestions.

Keywords: Sustainable Consumption, Concept of consumption, Consumption environment

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:近年来农业生产产值随着高生产投入和大规模集约化养殖的发展而大幅度提高,与此同时大气、水资源、土壤等资源环境污染问题也越来越严重,生态环境问题成为了制约农村可持续消......
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