
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-13
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关键词:绿色消费  绿色消费品价格  绿色消费品质量


Abstract: With the development of The Times, economic progress and the sustainable development of the understanding and deepen constantly, green consumption patterns gradually become the theme of consumption. At the same time, along with substantial increase the income of the residents, green consumption in rural market began to rapid development, but the present backward rural residents green consumption idea, not reasonable enterprise green marketing strategy and development not mature green consumption market factors restricting the development of rural residents green consumption, so change of residents green consumption idea, optimizing enterprise green marketing management and standardize market order strategy of the rural residents become the important guarantee of the green consumption.

Keywords: Green consumption  Green consumer prices  Green consumer products quality

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:绿色消费,实际上是一种综合考虑环境影响、资源效率、消费者权利的现代消费模式。它不仅指购买具有节材、节能、易回收、易分解、安全无毒为特征的绿色产品和服务,同时也是一......
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