
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:jj.luck 更新时间:2014-05-13
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关键词:流通体系  流通主体  信息化建设


Abstract: In recent years, with rapid economic and social development, the rural consumer demand for improved rural commodity circulation system can not meet the farmers growing material and cultural needs. The development of the rural circulation system, has important practical significance. The problems of the rural circulation system: a serious shortage of infrastructure in rural circulation; rural circulation of the main strength of the weak, form a single; complex historical issues; backward construction of rural circulation information; weak sense of brand management. This article is from the following aspects to the development of the circulation system, the promotion of rural development: efforts to improve infrastructure, optimize the development of the external environment; actively develop diversified market liquidity of the main body; increased government efforts to support the rural circulation system and in-depth research on the basis of; the rural circulation system construction; to promote the brand business model.

Keywords: Circulation system;Circulation of the main;Information construction

上传会员 jj.luck 对本文的描述:个人定义如下:农村流通体系是指以农村市场为流通范围,包括基础设施建设和政府监管在内的,为农村生产、生活和其他经济活动提供农村消费品、生产资料、农产品支持和服务的经......
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