
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-17
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摘要:中国的失业保险系统,在保护基本民生的失业和就业上的推广起到了重要的作用,然而在很多方面还存在着问题,需要作进一步的调整,以更好地履行其职能。文章概述了我国失业保险制度发展现状,通过一系列数据,分析了我国目前的失业保险制度所面临的问题; 介绍了美国、德国两国的失业保险制度,通过分析这些问题,提出改善我国失业保险制度的措施,以期我国失业保险制度能够更加完善。

关键词:失业保险; 失业保险制度; 促进就业; 预防失业


Abstract: The unemployment insurance system of China to safeguard the basic livelihood of the unemployed and the promotion of employment play an important role. However, the system is also having problems in many areas, the need for further adjustments to better perform its function. The article provides an overview of the current development of China's unemployment insurance system, through a series of data, analysis of the problems faced by the country's unemployment insurance system; The two countries the unemployment insurance system in the United States, Germany, proposed measures to improve the unemployment insurance system in China by analyzing these problems, With a view to China's unemployment insurance system will be more perfect.

Key words: Unemployment insurance; Unemployment insurance system; promoting employment; preventing unemployment

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:在对社会失业救济和促进再就业等方面起到了重要作用,但随着社会和经济的不断发展,我国失业保险法律制度也暴露出不少问题,主要表现在:缺少预防失业的功能,失业保险待遇水......
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