
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-17
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关键词:乡镇企业   现状   存在问题   发展对策


Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development pattern has been in the transition and has been upgraded constantly, urbanization process has accelerated, competition between enterprises intensifies greatly. Township land, resources and cost advantage have given rise to a large number of township and village enterprises, which have become an important part of our country's economy. As the backbone of the urban and rural development as a whole, in the service "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", township enterprises’ synchronous effect is prominent in promoting industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and there is broad development room. A study on the development of township enterprises problem can let us more clearly understand the trend of the development of township enterprises in our country, and get us ready to adjust strategy in a timely manner, it is of great significance to promote the orderly, scientific and harmonious development of township enterprises.

Key words: Township enterprises   Current situation  Existing problem   Development strategies

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:当前,乡镇企业发展了自身,同时也造福着当地经济,已然成为中国农民脱贫致富的必由之路,也是国民经济的一个重要支柱。正因为如此,本文将对乡镇企业经营现状及所面临的问题......
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