
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-10
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关键词:跨境通 自贸区 电子商务 海淘


Abstract: In Shanghai the FTA, cross-border e-commerce platform -- Construction of cross-border through particularly attract people's attention, from the market performance, policy support but also a vigorous development of cross-border e-commerce soon after. The sea washes the boom market and great demand because of tariffs, genuine security, transport cycle is long, pay is not convenient, customer service rights problems restricting the development of cross-border links appear, will make the sea Tao market development can be  normalized, which is conducive to the development of the Amoy sea. This paper introduces pass on cross-border from several aspects, restrictive factors and the traditional sea Tao purchasing, and studied the cross-border payment and settlement, through construction of the logistics distribution, quality guarantee, compares traditional scouring process and cross-border through the process, reflects the cross-border pass genuine security, customs, transportation and convenient, transparent pay advantage, also analyzed the deficiency of cross-border through existing, referring to some earlier cross-border business construction and puts forward related suggestions.

Keywords: cross-border   e-commerce   the FTA   shopping offshore

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:在“跨境通”平台建设中,需要解决一系列的问题,从最初的网站建设、商家进驻再到支付、报关报检、物流配送以及售后服务等环节,对于首家跨境电子商务平台的建设来说,不可谓......
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