
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-10
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关键词: 上海自贸区 政策 进口汽车 价格 


Abstract:With the construction of Shanghai Free Trading Zone(SFTZ) and the zero-tariff and free trading policies in the region, people are interested on whether this will affect the price of imported car. This article focused on various factors affecting the change on the price of imported car due to the construction of SFTZ, considering the impact of preferential tax policies as well as the impact of constraints such as supply and demand, production costs and implement policies. First, we introduced the basic situation of SFTZ, described the impacts of the SFTZ preferential policies on imported car industry; then we analyzed factors which affect the price of import car theoretically and what change will SFTZ bring to these factors; finally we predicted the change on the price of imported car in future and how the whole industry will change. 

key words:Free Trading Zone  Policy  Imported car  Price

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:全文结构安排如下,首先是并对上海自贸区进行分析,包括自贸区与自贸区的政策的介绍以及自贸区的意义与影响;其次是对我国目前的汽车进口市场进行分析,先从宏观和行业的层面......
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