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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:    商业银行,个人理财,发展研究


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of our economy and to the transition of the market economy system, our country economy and great changes have taken place in social life, etc. Among them, the residents' wealth is obtained the development which progresses by leaps and bounds. In recent years, the personal finance business has become the core content of the development of commercial Banks in China, the rapid development of personal financial business, to make the business become the new profit growth point of commercial bank, personal finance business development is an important approach to complete the service function of banking industry in China, and main factors to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of commercial Banks. How to develop commercial bank personal financing business is more important. In this paper, according to the present situation of commercial Banks in China, combining with the experiences of foreign commercial bank in the personal finance business, analyzed the commercial Banks do business of personal financial problems, and puts forward the measures and strategy of commercial Banks to develop personal financial business.

Keyword:    Commercial bank    Personal wealth management service        Development research

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:近几年来的经济大热使得人们手中的资金占有量增加,如何更好的运用这笔钱,使它发挥更大的效用给人们的生活带来更大的帮助,是绝大多数人最为关心的。也是各商业银行的必争之......
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