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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词    商业银行,中间业务,对策思考


ABSTRACT:Currently, the intermediary business which remove the asset and liability businesses has become an important pillar of the business of China's commercial banks.After joining WTO, the degree of liberalization of China's financial market has been further expanded, foreign commercial banks gradually added to the ranks of China's banking sector internal competition, leading to rob banks in banking participation in aspects of the increasingly intense competition,At this point, the emerging middle business became the primary focus of the banks And bank select competitive business objects.However, China's commercial banks which is in the middle of the business, due to the time late in the exploitation of Western countries, in the process of development. it is possible to create and develop business projects has been greatly restricted.This paper analyzes the current situation in China today intermediary business revenue of ten representative status of commercial banks, the revenue structure, the summary and outlines a series of questions Chinese commercial banks to develop intermediary business and generate factors exist current problems, and by drawing on foreign intermediate business of commercial banks on historical experience and lessons learned, summary and concludes, is conducive to promoting effective strategies among business healthy, orderly and smooth development.

Key Words : Commercial bank  Intermediate business  Countermeasures

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:这样的外在条件迫使本国的商业银行不得不采取措施来应对外资银行的挑战,以此提高国内商业银行中间业务各类项目的竞争实力。为了寻找新的收益来源,我们不得不承认,中间业务......
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