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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:6941
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关键词  西藏,旅游业,国际竞争力,钻石模型


ABSTRACT:Over the years, trade in goods market has been dominated by a large part of world trade . Recently, the rapid development of trade in services has become one of the form of trade which can compete with trade in goods .It is a symbol of a country's international competitiveness. In the environment of globalization, tourism has become increasingly open . To the development of domestic tourism , it is a great challenge , however , domestic tourism should seize the opportunity to seek large-scale development in the open at the same time . Compared to other countries , China's tourism industry started late , but from the beginning, tourism development is very fast , as the country has brought huge economic benefits, formed the core competitiveness of China's trade in services. Tibet has a unique geographical advantage , the development of tourism is booming in recent years , however, and compared to the world-famous tourist city, Tibet is still not enough .  Tibet should seize the opportunity to play to their strengths , to occupy a place in the fierce competition and promote local economic development . In this paper, we use Michael • Porter diamond model to take a research on the development of tourism in Tibet. First, we analyze Tibet’s natural tourist resources and market development to give an objective analysis of the situation in Tibet tourism. Second, we combine production factors of tourism in Tibet itself , demand conditions, industrial scale, strategic , government actions and opportunities , analyze the advantages of tourism in Tibet to participate in international competition in the presence of a disadvantage. After analysis , this paper proposes a suitable approach to development is good to enhancing the competitiveness of the tourism industry in Tibet .Tibet does well in the healthy development of the tourism industry by leaps and bounds . We aim to help Tibet achieve great economic development.

Key Words:Tibet,Tourism,International Competitiveness,The diamond model

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:旅游业的发展为国家带来经济效益,同时带来就业机会,促进资本流通,影响重大。改革开放给了西藏一个契机,自此西藏开始接纳各方游客。从此以后再各方各界人员努力下,西藏的......
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