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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键字:  证券市场、操作风险、光大证券


ABSTRACT:Chinese securities market has made great progress and development in the recent twenty years, and has made a great role in promoting the economic development, however, it is also accompanied by a number of risk and raised a lot of questions. Operational risk is a relatively easy and widespread occurrence of a class of risk which once happened will make a great impact on economy, and bring a heavy blow to the confidence of inventors ,a great damage to the interests of inventors,and reduce the efficiency of the securities market. Some events are caused by this risk, for example, the Yama securities bankruptcy, the Peregrine collapse, the event of RH in japan and the Everbright Securities Oolong events in 2013,and so on.These events are shocking, but also raised awareness about the risks of the operation of securities companies.This article refers to Everbright Securities Oolong recent events, for example, with Chinese securities market realities, analyze the causes of operational risk arising from the impact of China's securities market which can cause summarize, propose solutions countermeasures.

Key Words:  Securities market   Operational risk   Everbright Securities

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:西方发达的资本主义国家由于金融市场建立的比较早,发展过程中经历了各种类型的金融危机同时也获得了难得珍贵的经验教训,使金融市场的发展日趋完善,所以其在对操作风险管理......
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