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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-07
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摘要:论文以“交通发展对北京城市职住空间变迁的影响”作为选题, 主要是在北京城市化水平快速扩张及交通不断发展的背景下, 探讨北京城市居民居住地和就业地的空间变迁的问题, 本篇论文主要研究内容包括: 一是通过查阅居住与就业空间变化相关文献资料并结合自己实地考察,梳理和总结北京城市居住与就业空间变迁的主要特征;二是通过查阅资料并总结20世纪90年代以来各个时期北京市城市对外交通及城市公共交通发展状况及特征,并重点分析北京城市交通发展对北京城市居住与就业空间变化所产生的影响;三是就影响北京城市职住空间变迁的未来交通发展政策取向提出自己的建议。

其中北京市职住分离存在明显的空间差异,城市功能分区和城市空间结构的改变可能加剧城市居民的职住分离问题。城市化的扩展, 造成城市居民职住分离空间组织特征还在不断演化中。住宅空间的分布和扩展与交通通道具有关系密切,主要交通干线沿线、高速公路出入口和轨道交通站点周边地区是住宅空间集中区和住宅区开发的最佳区位。交通通道的建设可以提升原住宅区的可达性,促进沿线地价的升值,扩大居民住宅选择空间范围,为新住宅区开发和建设提供潜在的利益保障。

关键词: 空间变迁  北京市  交通发展  职住分离


Abstract:Paper "traffic impact" on the change of the Beijing city grade living space topics, mainly in the context of the rapid expansion of the level of urbanization and transport development to explore the place of residence and employment of space changes of urban residents In this thesis, the main research topics include: First, access to residential and employment space changes in the relevant literature and their own field trips, sort out and summarize the main features of the Beijing urban living and change of employment space; through access to information and summary of the 20th century situation and characteristics of the various periods of Beijing Municipal Foreign transport and urban public transport development since the 1990s, and analyzes the impact of external transport and urban public transport development in Beijing city Beijing urban spatial change of residence and employment; on the impact of Beijing Citygrade living space changes the development of future transport policy orientation of its own proposals. Beijing post live separated obvious spatial differences, changes in the structure of the city's function zoning and urban space may aggravate the grade of city residents live in separation problems. The expansion of urbanization, resulting in between Jobs and Residential separation characteristics of spatial organization is still evolving. The distribution and expansion of the residential space and traffic channel is closely related to major transportation routes along the highway entrances and exits and the surrounding areas of rail transit site is the best location for residential space focus area and residential development. Construction of transport corridors can enhance the accessibility of the original residential areas, and promote the appreciation of land prices along to expand the range of residential choices, and offer potential for new residential development and construction interests to protect.

Key Words:Spatial Change   beijing   Transport development   Working and Residential Separation


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:城市功能分区和城市空间结构的改变可能加剧城市居民的职住分离问题。城市化的扩展, 造成城市居民职住分离空间组织特征还在不断演化中。住宅空间的分布和扩展与交通通道具有关......
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