
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-08
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关键词:地理信息系统  地理编码  地址定位器  地址查找  发布地址定位器


Abstract:With the development of GIS in our urban information constructions, the requirement of integrate between spatial data and non-spatial data in each city departments is become increasingly urgent. In order to merge the spatial data and the non-spatial data, I need to create the connections between the two of them, so geocoding is exactly the important way to create the connections between them. Geocoding is the process that transform the descriptions of address or place name to the locations on the surface of the earth.

   This article is based on the study of address and space name of Beijing, creating the address locator that fit for the features of Beijing address distribution, and connecting the spatial data and non-spatial data, so that people can use the address locator to lookup the address. Transforming the non-spatial data to the spatial data will make convenient to the city departments and public to use it intuitively.

Key Words:Geographic Information System,  Geocoding,  Address Locator,  Lookup Address,  Issue Address Locator


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:创建适合于北京地址分布特点的地址定位器,将空间信息与非空间信息进行联系,以便于公众可以用这些地址定位器进行地址查找,将非空间信息的地址或地名转换为空间信息的地理坐......
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