
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:佛系小文 更新时间:2018-01-22
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   关键词:独立董事制度 上市公司 内部控制


Abstract: The separation of ownership and management has become a marked characteristic of modern corporate system enterprises. The separation leads to the problem of agency, so that the corporate governance has become the realistic need of the enterprise. The securities and futures commission

introduced the independent director system officially by using the form of administrative rules, in order to solve the defects of corporate governance structure, which learned from Britain and the United States and some other western countries. Since then, the capital market of our country has become an important part of corporate governance reform. This article will start from the concept of independent director system, analyzes the development course of China's independent director system and the relevant situation and existing problems of the system in China and put forward some suggestions of further perfecting the independent director system in our country.

Keywords: Independent Director System; Listed Company; Inside Control

上传会员 佛系小文 对本文的描述:由国内外交游广泛的政治家来担任公司独立董事,定会有效扩展公司的经营领域;而一个具有成功管理经验的人士担任独立董事,则会有效改善公司的经营状况。故在某专业领域有一定......
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