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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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ABSTRACT:The tourism has "the smokeless industry” and" eternal sunrise industry” the name, it has become one of the three major industries in the world. With the promotion of reform and opening-up, economy got rapid development, the improvement of people's living standard; the tourism industry in China has been very rapid development, tourism income in the national economy in the proportion is increasing. LuoPing County has unique natural landscape and rich cultural heritage, but the development of LuoPing tourism industry is facing many problems, therefore, to LuoPing county's tourism research is very important.

     This article from the LuoPing county tourism development situation, problems and strategies put forward three aspects. In view of the current tourism development tendency and the LuoPing county tourism resource advantage, put forward zoology health brigade and national culture tour tourism theory. Analysis of the development of LuoPing tourism industry in the face of poor infrastructure, lack of tourism resources reasonably, not with the outside world to establish good relations of cooperation and other issues were discussed, and proposed solutions. LuoPing County, beautiful natural landscape and cultural heritage rich, these are the LuoPing county tourism rapid development of a strong guarantee, the tourist resources in LuoPing county development process and give full play to LuoPing County geography and tourism resources, tourism resources to make the reasonable planning and protective development, through a variety of ways to accelerate the development of tourism in LuoPing county. At the same time also to allow local residents to enjoy the benefits of tourism development, this is the only way to motivate them, to participate in the development of the local tourism and the protection of. To make tourism becomes one of pillar industries of LuoPing County; promote the rapid development of local economy.

Keyword:Tourism Ecological; health brigade ;National culture trip


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:通过多种途径加快罗平县旅游业的发展。同时也要让当地居民享受到旅游业发展带来的益处,只有这样才能够调动他们的积极性,参与当地旅游业的开发和保护中来。争取早日让旅游业......
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