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摘要:近几年,随着人们对文化旅游关注度的提高和客家文化研究的兴起,客家文化旅游开发成为一种潮流,有“世界客都”之称的梅州也逐渐把客家文化旅游作为第三产业的支柱,成为经济新的增长点。客家文化是梅州发展旅游业独具特色的资源,是梅州提升竞争力和打造旅游品牌的关键。 梅州在发展客家文化旅游过程中,出现旅游资源离散、旅游产品缺少精品化和主题化、市场拓展意识不强等问题,本文旨在通过SWOT分析找出梅州客家文化旅游的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁,找出如何利用优势和机遇、避开劣势和威胁的途径,为解决梅州客家文化旅游存在的问题提供可行性的建议。通过前人的研究和采访的信息,用SWOT分析找出梅州客家文化旅游的优势(S)、劣势(W)、机会(O)、威胁(T),提出构筑“黄金”旅游线路、加大旅游产品开发、推出特色旅游产品来利用优势和机会,同时通过加强规划和管理、开展主题旅游、加强区域合作来避开梅州客家文化旅游存在的劣势和面临的威胁。 关键词:SWOT分析;客家文化旅游;梅州
ABSTRACT:In recent years, the increasingly higher attention paid on cultural tourism and the high interest araised on, the Hakka cultural tourism development has become a trend. In Meizhou, “Hakka capital of the world”, Hakka cultural tourism has gradually been taken as the pillar of the tertiary industry and also it has become a new economic growth point. Since the Hakka culture is one of the most special resources to develop the tourism in Meizhou, it is the key to help Meizhou improve the comparative advantage and establish the tourism band. There are some problems in the process of developing Hakka cultural tourism in Meizhou, such as the discrete of tourism resources, tourism products lack of boutique and subjectivity, the market expansion awareness is not strong and so on. This paper aims to using SWOT analytical methods to analysis and identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats of the Hakka cultural tourism, then to find out the ways of how to use the advantages and opportunities, and the ways to avoid the weaknesses and threats, so that we can provide feasible recommendations to solve the problems of the Meizhou Hakka cultural tourism. Via the information of previous research and interviews and by using SWOT analytical methods to analysis and identify the strengths(S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) of the Hakka cultural tourism, proposed to build a “gold” tourist routes, to increase tourism product development, to release special tourism products to make use of the strengths and opportunities. Meanwhile, through the planning and management, to carry out the subjective tourism, strengthening regional cooperation to avoid the disadvantage of the Meizhou Hakka cultural tourism and the threats it faced. Keywords: SWOT Analysis; Hakka Cultural Tourism; Meizhou