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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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ABSTRACT:Media in the information age is the most important information carrier, the modern economy is information economy now, so the media has large power to economic development. Government or enterprise spread information to the audience through the media, the audience accept information then react, the largest reaction is consumption, in the other way,  that  is the priming of economy.

    The advent of the information age has brought new business opportunity for Honghe State which located in southern Yunnan province. According to the data of investigation , collection and analysis of current situation to  Honghe State, that means it has a large space of development in the advertising industry of Honghe State.       But now the problem is there has no influential large-scale advertising company in Honghe State, without media advertising team by their own, which lead to the industry development lag in Honghe State.

    The article mainly idea is media advertising in Honghe State and the object of study to economic impact of  Honghe State. It based on the media advertising in Honghe State which has a lack of development. Firstly the article current economic situation of Honghe State and the medias advertising in Honghe State  make a survey and analysis, according to the media advertising in Honghe State for the local economic role are discussed, and based on the conclusion of the study with the Butterfly Effect, Catfish Effect to the media advertising in Honghe State make out the development status analysis, and than make suggestions to the media advertising in Honghe State which is the correct development direction. Lastly, comprehensive the article, make out a forecast to the economy and media advertising industry of  Honghe State in the future.

Keywords:media advertising; Honghe State; economic development; influence factor, proposed prediction


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:在研究结论的基础上结合蝴蝶效应、鲶鱼效应对媒体广告在红河州的发展现状做出原因分析,然后对媒体行业在红河州的正确发展方向提出建议,最后综合全文对未......
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