
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:Since the China-ASEAN Free Trad Area(CAFTA) was established, agricultural products' trade has been the highlight of China-ASEAN trade.The Early-harvest Arrangement  made by CAFTA has resulted in zero tariff for trade in agricultural products .In resent years ,there has been a growing worldwide awareness of Yunnan-ASEAN  products' trade owing to the country's Bridgehead strategy being proposed and carried out.Research on this topic will help accelerate the process of agricultural cooperation between Yunnan and ASEAN and bilaterally improve the international competitiveness of agricultural products.This,in turn,will then provide theoretical guidance and give practic value.

   First of all,this essay  analyzes the historical development, status ,as well as characteristics of  agricultural products' trade between Yunnan and ASEAN. Secondly, the paper addresses the strengths,disadvantages,opportunities and threats for agricultural trade . This points out that Yunnan and ASEAN are advantageous in their market ,location ,and in having complementary products.But,they also face some problems such as competition in similar commodities,trade in  agricultural products being limited in scope,lack of product processing technology advances,a shortage of human resources,and so on.Therefore,  in the future , opportunities and challenges coexist for agricultural products' trade between Yunnan and   ASENA .Finally , according to the problems that exist in the development of trade,this paper suggests that Yunnan and ASENA should regulate the industrial restructuring ,revise product's standards ,promote technology innovation,and develop the capacity  of agricultural  resources.This would then faster agricultural products' export diversification and promote more stability and order in the development of agricultural products' trade.

Key words: China, ASENA,agricultural products trade


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:分析了双方农产品贸易的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,研究认为,双方贸易具有市场和区位优势、产品互补等优势,但同样面临着同类产品竞争激烈、农产品贸易范围受到限制、农产品加......
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