
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:with the development of science and technology information technology to a new round of the big bang, the arrival of the era of 3G to the communication market has brought a fierce business information warfare. In the great explosion of the information environment of China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, in the face of telecommunications giant challenges, China Unicom is facing the huge risk of loss of client resources. At this stage of China Unicom in3G value-added application services, marketing tools, marketing team and customer relationship management are far behind in China Mobile and China telecom. China Unicom in the 3G market to quickly establish bibcock enterprise status, and telecommunications, mobile share 3G market share, must timely improve customer relationship management system, change the business value-added mode, constant product innovation, service innovation, change management, business philosophy, attention to customer value, improve service levels, identifying customer service leading marketing management system, cultivating customer loyalty, expanding the user group, so as to maintain the advantage of 3G market position, and then only in the fierce competition in the3G era to win.

Key Words:3G mobile network, China Unicom, customer relationship management, construction and Countermeasures


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:联通面对中国移动、中国电信等电信巨头的挑战,中国联通面临着巨大客户资源丢失的风险。在现阶段中国联通不管在3G增值应用服务、营销手段、营销团队还是客户关系管理理念都远远......
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