
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-11
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Abstract:With the development of economy,local specialty products with its pure, healthy,green and the special emotion is more and more favored by the vast number of consumers,but due to various environmental factors,many excellent local characteristics of products are not known by consumers,more about not buying. Against this background,internet marketing and internet technology combined with, the Hakka mother wine product characteristics and market marketing environment analysis,as a Hakka mother wine network marketing to develop relevant strategies,throughout the country to target customers to provide a fast way to shop and authentic Hakka mother wine products,Let more people through the network to understand,understanding,promote Hakka mother wine,in order to achieve the purpose of product promotion.

Keywords: Hakka mother wine, network marketing,promotion




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文在此背景下,将网络营销和互联网技术相结合,通过客家娘酒产品特征和市场营销环境分析,为客家娘酒网络营销推广制定相关策略,给全国各地的目标客户提供快捷的购物方式和......
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