
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-19
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关键词:非物质文化遗产 私权保护 权利体系


Abstract: Intangible cultural heritage is the manifestations of assorted traditional cultures, related objects and places which inherited by generations and generations of people and are regarded as components of cultural heritages. As Law on Intangible Cultural Heritage has been enacted, it becomes more important to pay high attention to the protection of private rights of intangible cultural heritage, for it can avail the maintenance, protection and, promotion of it. The protection of private rights of intangible cultural heritage boasts a broad, as well as justified, base. Distinguishing three subjects of rights–individuals, traditional communities and nations, making out the integrated point between the mode of intellectual propriety rights and the mode of exclusive rights and building up the system for the protection of private rights are the three most important guarantees for the practice of intangible cultural heritage.

Key words: Intangible cultural heritage; Protection of private rights; Power structure




上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:非物质文化遗产的私权保护有其广泛的正当性基础,区分个人、传统社区和国家这三类权利主体,明晰知识产权模式和专有权模式与权利内容的契合点,构建私权保护体系,这都是我们......
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