
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-14
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关键词:亚太再平衡  经济战略  出口倍增计划  TPP  中国对策


Abstract : Since 2009, the United States actively promote the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy, which is one of America's most important global strategic adjustments. It includes economic, political and military strategies. It is an important measure the U.S. adjust its focus from the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific region, concerning a adjustment and redistribution of power in the Asia-Pacific region .

This strategy will have a significant impact on the global political and economic situation, which is particularly important is the economic policy. There are a lot of study about that at home and abroad, but mostly focused on an overview of the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy or just study TPP or National  Export Initiative.This article will focus on the economic strategies and policies in the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy,  on the basis of outlining the background and the main content of rebalancing strategy.And making analysis on the main purpose of the strategy -----promoting the U.S. economic growth and employment , studying the Doubling U.S. Exports in Five Years policy and the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP).On this basis, this article will analyze the impact of the U.S. Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy on the Chinese economy, and  making recommendations on how to deal with that . This paper attempts to focus on the pattern, especially from the Asia-Pacific international pattern.Using analytical hierarchy process, making deep analysis on the U.S. Economic rebalancing strategy, hoping to resolve the meaning and impact of the Asia-Pacific Economic rebalancing strategy, proposing China's response strategies.

Key words: Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy  Economic policy  Exports in Five Years policy  TPP  China’s Strategies

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:对“亚太再平衡战略”经济维度的深入剖析,不仅能更完整系统深入理解当今美国亚太战略,而且对我们预测其实施的向度、力度和效度均有鉴借作用。本文在概述“亚太再平衡战略”......
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