
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-19
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关键词:医疗过失 认定标准 注意义务 医疗水准


Abstract: As the core problem of the medical tort case, the recognition of medical malpractice is always be concerned by both field of medical and law. And it is also difficult to recognize the medical malpractice in practice because of its professional and technical characters and so on. Particularly since the promulgation of “Tort Law of the People's Republic of China”, its law science basic has changed a lot. So, it is very important to study on how to recognize the medical malpractice under the theory of civil tort. It will mainly discuss the recognition of medical malpractice from the view of the theory of civil tort in this article. First, we will expound the general theory and some academic viewpoints, analyze the relationship of them. And then, summed up the specific, abstract and the academic standard to recognize the medical malpractice, discussed it combined with its classification and some cases. At last, with the analysis of the related influencing factors, the application of the aided rules, and the explaining of the exemptions, the paper try to establishment a better system of the recognition of medical malpractice.

Key words: medical malpractice, recognition, attention obligation, medical level


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本文将从侵权法理论的角度对医疗过失的认定进行讨论,首先在阐述分析医疗过失一般理论和相关学说的基础之上,对各学说及有关理论相互间的关系进行阐释,在此基础上总结出认定......
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