
资料分类:文史类论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-03
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Abstract: The yuan dynasty commercial public information promotes the popularity of literature and art, enriches life custom; Drive the printing and publishing industry and business performance of prosperous and thriving situation; Further push the spread of the thought and culture development. On the other hand, it is rich in the yuan dynasty of business culture connotation, reflects the yuan dynasty business folk culture and conveys the traditional commercial culture thought, transmits traditional cultural spirit. It has a unique: commercial behavior performances in the genre and drama of the literary works reflect a lot. Commercial public information is fully immersed in the literary creation, the relationship of the life of citizens and art culture is more closely. In the commercial economic prosperity, and on the basis of government policies such as the imperial civil service examination system restore and the spread of social elite role, makes its development have an influence on social culture . 

Keywords: Yuan Dynasty;commercial public information;social culture;influence;cause



上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:元代商业文化有一独特之处:商业行为的表现在散曲杂剧这些文学作品中有大量反映。商业公共信息充分的融入了文学创作,市民生活与艺术文化的联系更加密切。在商业经济繁荣的基......
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